March 2023 Workshop – Information and Download.

16 Levers in Leadership – a framework that can radically change everything for you.

Here's the 16-Levers in Leadership Framework:

Tackling the complex?

This doesn’t just help with how to become a better leader  …

… this is a framework to help you lead in all your work, help you lead in all your relationships with others and ultimately … help in how you lead your life. 

3 Exercises to become an even better leader or manager :

Our most popular download:

3 Exercises you can do today, to become an even better leader.

Instant impact stuff.

Here's 5-Steps to Develop a Higher EQ:

The most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way:

They all have a high degree of what has become known as Emotional Intelligence.

Here’s an easy-to-follow process that boosts your EQ (your Emotion Quotient).

If you work with others … this is essential !

Here's the 'Build an Avatar' Download:

Build an Avatar:

This tool was built to help you understand your stakeholders and customers.


But it can be equally useful to see things from anyone’s perspective.

It may help you engage better with people and help you unleash motivation in others.

Here's a 'Wheel of Life' Download:

The ‘Wheel of Life’:

A simple chart to help take stock of what’s important to you and where you may like to focus over the next 12-24 months.

3 Classic Communication Tools

Learn from communication giants:

3 tools that look simple but can be studied in depth, for years, decades, centuries …

… and really useful in practice too …

This workshop is one day in a programme of workshops held in-person and online throughout the year.

You can find more information about the Partner Programme for you and your team, here.

Our next workshop is online on May 10th.

For deeper insight:

If you’d like to really, dramatically, improve your people and leadership skills – check out this programme:

We’re genuinely here to help. 

As we spend all our time with people who lead projects, programmes or change initiatives we’ve probably helped someone with a very similar challenge to the one you’re facing now.

… you can book a free call with an expert and ask us anything on the subject of projects & transformation, 

Personalised, free, confidential help on:

– the 36 traits to become a brilliant leader in projects or change,

– the 16 power skills for senior executives in projects or change,

– the 3 initial steps to create a high performing team ,

– insight on how to take elements of the Project Leader 9-Track Capability Model and deliver smarter and faster.

It’s your call.

Register an Interest